Saturday, April 5, 2014

6 months, 60 years

Today marks 6 months since Erica went missing; even on the same weekday, a Saturday morning, ½ a year ago!
It also marks her 60th birthday, but it’s pretty hard to throw a party without her being here.
We miss her very much!
I think it’s been harder since I came back from the missions/rest trip to Mexico-Guatemala.
Don’t know why exactly?
I guess traveling can be a bit of a distraction and then suddenly I’m home again, expecting her: once again pulling up in the driveway; her unique, familiar march down the stairs; her full volume ‘Hi Hon!’ telephone voice calling me to come and pick her up from somewhere she’s just been waiting for me…
for the last 6 months.
But that call doesn’t come anymore.
And so I must focus my ears + eyes to hear + see that other call.
The upward call.
That call that undid what the enemy tried to do in stealing her away.
Erica’s legacy is yet intact, vital and bearing fruit! I believe in the Resurrection and that’s not just one day in the future; but ever since Jesus rose from the dead
= the 1st Resurrection, it’s been Resurrection Day and time for the fruit of His passion, resurrection and ascension to the throne of the universe to be known + shown!
And the fruit from her life is so abundant!
So many places I went in Central America, people told me how they had been affected and were praying for our family. Her story has touched many hearts, not only in our community, but beyond.
Although it didn’t turn out as we had hoped, yet her life was never in vain. From the many letters, testimonies, messages, and phone calls I’ve received, it’s quite evident her life example stirred and is yet stirring many hearts.
I’m believing for her legacy to bear fruit, more fruit and fruit that remains!
Rev 12:11 ‘And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.’
but we tend to overlook the last part: ‘and they did not love their lives to the death.'
That’s what seals the deal! When a believer dies, regardless of how, God still counts them overcomers.
Our Newfie friend recognized Erica in a dream as the one preaching the Father’s love on the very day she was entering heaven . When the Early Church suffered persecution, Tertullian, one the Church Fathers, coined the phrase, ‘The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church;’ because the truth is that when 1 believer died in the arena, 10 more were born again in the stadium seats! Hearts were touched; lives were changed!
Ever since Erica’s funeral, I am seeing fruit of answered prayer. Many people, things, issues, situations she prayed into for many years (and I can testify: Erica prayed), these are now coming to pass!
Something has broken through! The resistant exteriors are giving way, the ground of hard hearts is softening, the seed has been sown and, like our present spring season, it is now sprouting, budding, and ready to bring forth fruit!
I’m believing for 10, 100… no, 1000 and more to rise up and take her place!
Our God is a Redeeming God and what the enemy meant for evil, Our Father is now turning for good + His glory. Lord, give us eyes to see how You see and what You are doing in the earth even now, so we might work more effectively with you!
And that is more than enough reason for our family to celebrate Erica’s birthday today. We will remember not only her life, but also rejoice in those same promises of God she looked for, believed in, and embraced with all her heart.
Happy Birthday, dear!

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful tribute on Erica's birthday. Lovely words! <3
