Sunday, October 17, 2021

I've heard many say these days, 'Trust the science,' but I've also heard many qualified scientists dispute/rebut this'so-called science' as nothing more than 'educated' (?) opinion + this gives me reason to doubt/disTRUST what these presume as their science. In this questioning, I'm in good company. Paul counseled Timothy, 'Avoid profane/idle babblings/contradictions of what is falsely called science' (1Tim 6:20) or gnosis = knowledge. Scientific knowledge is always partial/incomplete + we need its lack filled with TRUST through con-science = the true inner scientific God-given witness = always leads to truth + does not lie. Unfortunately however, many have allowed their 'con-science' to become clouded, unclear, unclean -even seared, to point of not even wanting to acknowledge truth anymore; ie they love their own lie + in their own deception, pass it off as 'science'!
How can you TRUST in this world of illusory dreams, broken promises, and outright lies? Words themselves are no longer capable vehicles for sharing confidence, but have become traps/weapons to ensnare/belittle/expose/degrade others; not just their ideas/opinions, but cancel their very persons/identities? Spoken - written words –are you a man/woman of your word? …but today, even those terms are called into question! At one time, people gave their word as truth + backed it up with a handshake + an honest life + reputation. Others could trust you + what you said to be truth + then have confidence to build/grow/establish relationship. But in our present fear-gripped society, words have lost both their truth, meaning and confidence. They’ve been hammered into weapons to expose, rather than reveal + love. We have lost our ability to trust… not just officials in government, media, churches, the ‘experts’, but one another. All the more NOW, we need to return to what is trustworthy + rediscover how to trust: God: His Word + Spirit! He is faithful to do what He’s promised!